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I Donated 90% Of My Stuff Before Moving In With My Fiancé—Here’s Why

Jordan Younger
Best-Selling Author & Yoga Teacher

I believe that your home is your sanctuary—it’s where you begin each day and where you celebrate what you’ve accomplished at the end of it. It’s also where you connect with yourself and those most important to you. I have always said that in my case home is wherever Jonathan and Hudson are, and our new home is no exception!

Moving into a new home has been absolutely magical for so many reasons. I feel that sometimes our souls are just ready for something new, and this has absolutely been the case for me with moving into our new space.

Our goals in this new space were to keep it as minimal as possible in order to have space to truly breathe and to create a Zen sanctuary to come home to every day.

1. Keep it simple.

For us, turning our new space into a sanctuary has meant being extremely minimal with what we choose to bring into our home. Before we moved in, I did a massive purge and donated nearly 90 percent of my belongings—clothes, books, products, furniture, kitchen items, all of it—and nothing has ever felt so good.

Our bedroom is a good example of the rule that we are only purchasing things that we love,

from plants to wood furniture pieces and, of course, all of my crystals. Our friends have even gifted us some incredible pieces from selenite wands to essential oil diffusers.

2. Set the vibe.

Beyond decorating minimally with a focus on only incorporating things that we absolutely love and keeping lots of bright and open spaces, we were also mindful of the technology we brought into our new home. Music is very important to both Jonathan and me, which is why we set up Sonos speakers in almost every room. Whether it’s sleeping with the natural sounds of the ocean playing quietly in the background or dancing to our favorite artists’ new albums in the kitchen while we chop our veggies, our Sonos helps bring good vibes into our space! I even like to play music while I meditate: It puts me into a calm mindset and helps me dive deeper into my thoughts.

3. Create mindful spaces.

Office/Meditation room: Our home office also doubles as a meditation room. I start every day stretching in this room, and it’s where we meditate together every morning and night, even if it’s for a short amount of time. I also do yoga in there to wind down at the end of the day, and my yoga playlists are a huge part of that process for me. (No really—find me on Spotify and you’ll see how seriously I take creating my yoga playlists for both my at-home practices and the classes I teach!). Music really is the best backdrop for every kind of mindful practice, so our Sonos is an essential part to this space specifically.

The Kitchen: Making healthy food at home is one of my favorite things to do and is a huge part of my job as a wellness and healthy food blogger, so it was important to me to get the vibe right in our kitchen. I always play my favorite music here if I am cooking solo to keep me centered and make it more fun, too.

The living room: At the end of the day, we love to simply wind down and connect with each other. With our Sonos also in the living room, we can snuggle up and watch a movie, listen to a podcast, or chill out to some of our favorite tracks. I cannot wait to see where the journey of living here takes us; it’s been the perfect home to begin the

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