Harmony Fund
Laura Simpson is a journalist and the founder of the highly acclaimed Harmony Fund charity. Following a healthy organic lifestyle, meditation and daily jogs with her dog pack & 8-year-old daughter Sabrina who travels by bicycle, Laura powers up for her mission of bringing a lifeline to “underdog" animal rescue squads across the planet.
Laura invites you to join the Harmony Fund in delivering food, shelter and protection from cruelty to animals near and far. Watch as a chained dog who has survived 8 winters outdoors is welcomed into the living room of a new family who loves him. Join in as a baby gorilla orphaned by poachers is carried to a sanctuary where she can live among others of her kind. And hold the flashlight as we tend to the late night needs of a herd of starving horses. From the backyard to the barnyard, forest to the field, the Harmony Fund offers a sacred space of hope for animal lovers everywhere.
By making a donation, you will be one of the most powerful members of our team. Visit the Harmony Fund website www.HarmonyFund.org to learn more and to make a donation.