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How 9 Wellness Pros Beat The Post-Travel Blues

Emma Loewe
Emma Loewe
mbg Sustainability Editor
By Emma Loewe
mbg Sustainability Editor
Emma Loewe is the Sustainability Editor at mindbodygreen and the author of "The Spirit Almanac: A Modern Guide To Ancient Self Care."
Photo by @shannonkaiserwrites

Coming back home after traveling can be a drag. No matter how much you love your house, it can't always stack up to that epic villa in Tuscany, tent under the stars, or cottage on the beach. And chances are, your daily routine doesn't compete with the long, leisurely days of exploration and play that vacation affords. So we tapped a group of wellness experts who travel often for their top tips on holding on to that post-travel bliss and readjusting to the real world in a happy, healthy way. Here's what they had to say:

1. Carve out time for reflection.

"As a wellness travel writer and video content creator, I'm always taking tons of photos and video when I travel. On the flight home, I make it a point to take out my laptop or phone to type up notes and reflections on my adventures—the good, the bad, and the lessons I learned in between.

"To readjust to my routine, I first leave my home as clean and neat as possible before taking off. This way, when I return, I'm happier to be coming back to a cleaner, organized, and familiar space. Also, as soon as I land, I always unpack everything from my bags, store away my travel gear to not have anything lingering or left out to clutter my clean casa!"

Sara Quiriconi, jet-setting yogi

2. Ease back into things.

Photo: @omandthecity

"I personally love getting back to my self-care routine, whether it’s a workout, my matcha, or seeing some friends. I leave my email away message up for one to two days after I return, so I can ease back into work. You don't want to erase all of the good vibes from vacation by feeling anxious about what you missed while you were away."

Jules Hunt, wellness blogger behind Om & the City

3. Practice gratitude.

"I beat the post-travel blues by planning my next adventure, working in alignment with my soul's purpose, which fills me up inside. Also, reuniting with my friends makes NYC feel like home."

Monica Parikh, relationships expert and mbg class instructor

4. Meditate, meditate, meditate.

"I made a deal with myself to not eat on the plane since it messes up my digestion. Instead, I'll take ashwagandha, rhodiola, and turmeric and try to apply a face moisturizer to keep the skin looking fresh. When I land, if I'm not too tired, I'll go for a run, and I am always sure to meditate. It helps me fully land in my body and where I am geographically."

Sah D'Simone, spiritual author and speaker

5. Build in a "transition day."

Photo: @phoebelapine

"For particularly long stints, I always try to return a day early or build in a day on the back end where I can slowly catch up on life. Sometimes it's the mundane stuff like coming home to a giant stack of mail (not to mention an empty fridge) that can make me feel overwhelmed and wipe that vacation glow right off my face. With the transition day, I make sure to immediately meal prep for the week (I'm usually sick of eating out anyway) and get all the small to-do's out of the way so that when I'm back to work, I can jump immediately back into the normal swing of things."

Phoebe Lapine, chef, author, and mbg Collective member

6. Get the body moving.

"I combat other elements like jet lag by forcing myself to go for a walk or work out. I find that's always a good solution to keeping not only limber after a long flight or ride but also awake to readjust your circadian rhythm."

Summer Rayne Oakes, author and founder of Homestead Brooklyn

7. Sleep and catch up with friends.

"The most important thing is making sure you're getting eight hours of sleep and not rushing out the door to get back to work. Lack of sleep (especially with jet lag) majorly contributes to feelings of anxiety and unhappiness. I also recommend, to get back into the swing of your life, meeting up with friends after you're back to remind yourself how great your life is."

Nikki Sharp, wellness expert and chef

8. Take care of yourself on the way home.

"I am sure to always travel with my LoveBug probiotics and Anima Mundi Immunity elderberry tonic so I can feel fresh once I get back into my everyday routine. Air travel, in particular, tends to make me feel bloated, so if I'm flying, I'll fast and bring my Moon Juice dusts to keep my belly satisfied."

9. Carry vacation with you into your everyday.

Photo: @shannonkaiserwrites

"One of the most overlooked ways to readjust to your wellness routine is to adopt the positives of your recent trip. We travel to relax, rest, and learn more about the world, cultures, and ourselves. So bringing back your 'aha' moments, the good aspects of your trip, and newfound clarity is a must. Then, don't forget to balance your home routine with a little bit of what you left to discover."

mbg's Transformative Travel series shares how people are carrying travel lessons into their lives back home. Check it out!

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