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It's Virgo Season! Here's How To Make The Most Of The (Super-Organized) Energy In The Air

The AstroTwins
Astrologers & Best-Selling Authors
Photo by Rob Cros

Welcome to Virgo season! Every 30 days or so, the Sun visits a new zodiac sign. During this "season," everyone feels the energy of this prevailing astrological energy, no matter what your Sun sign. Virgo is the second of the zodiac's three earth signs and part of the "mutable" quality. Mutable signs (the others are Gemini, Sagittarius, and Pisces) are adaptable, love variety, and have endless suggestions for how to improve everything. Mutable signs are the editors of the zodiac, and during Virgo season, everyone's keen eyes will spot any flaws and fixes that are needed.

As we clean up the confetti and bid farewell to the fanfare of fiery Leo season, here's how to capitalize on the efficient and analytical Virgo vibes from August 23 through September 22, 2018:

1. Look for patterns, connect the dots.

Analytical and methodical Virgo loves to put a puzzle together. During Virgo season, we're inspired to peek under the hood, take apart the engine, and figure out how stuff works. Finding common threads is a Virgo specialty. So tinker around, whether you're analyzing a project plan or…yourself! Observe how all the moving parts of your life work together. Do your Myers-Briggs personality test. Learn your numerology life path number, or read about your Chinese zodiac sign. Go ahead, tumble down that rabbit hole of self-obsession a bit during Virgo season—in the name of knowing thyself!

Virgo is the zodiac's perfectionist. You can slip into the comparison trap and end up never being satisfied.

2. Begin a self-improvement project.

Virgo season inspires us to better ourselves and our lifestyles. Where could you bring more calm, purity, and order to your world? Virgo time is all about healthy living. Squeeze some al fresco exercise into these last days of summer. Bike rides to the beach, yoga in the park, lap swims in a saltwater pool—fresh air does the body good.

Just remember, Virgo is the zodiac's perfectionist. You can slip into the comparison trap and end up never being satisfied. In our age of social media, there's always a new app to keep up with and endless opportunities to slip down the #FOMO rabbit hole. Counter this with the occasional digital detox or try a practice of making daily gratitude lists. Cheesy as it might sound, starting your morning tuning in to what you're thankful for can fend off Virgo season anxiety and restore your perspective.

3. Be wary of "advice overload."

Information overload is a risk during data-hungry Virgo season. Know when your brain is full. Stop opinion-polling all your friends or obsessing over the same topic. At a certain point, you can get SO many different perspectives that you end up more confused! Fend off analysis paralysis by tuning in to your intuition. Virgo season lures us into our minds, which can leave us lost in our heads. Connecting to the water element through music, drawing, dancing, swimming, beach walks, baths, and meditation can help you find your flow when the earthy Virgo vibes find you too mired in the mundane. We love the saying that "advice is what people ask for when they already know the answer but wish they didn't." Trust yourself! At a certain point, there's no "right" answer—you just have to DO it.

4. Flex your green thumb.

In college, we had a Virgo friend who was obsessed with trees. He geeked out identifying leaves and started pointing out plant species by their Latin names. Soon he was collecting seed pods from the woodsy campus trails and planting them in small pots. By sophomore year, his dorm room looked like a greenhouse! It was a surprising improvement over the sterile, soulless quarters the rest of us lived in.

While you don't have to become an arborist, green is the new black during Virgo season. With earthy Virgo ruling the skies, enjoy the summer harvest of fresh produce—all the better if it's locally grown by independent farmers and rich with life-enhancing enzymes. If you're a parent, check out The Dirt Cure for great ideas to connect your kids to live foods. There's so much talk of clean eating—but what about clean breathing? Earthy Virgo, the woodland sprite of our zodiac, reminds us of the healing power of trees. Studies prove that trees have a host of benefits to our health. In other studies, patients with a view of trees outside their hospital windows were shown to recover faster.

5. Conduct a midyear check-in.

Virgo is the sixth of the 12 signs of the zodiac, which begins its cycle late summer every year during Virgo season. We've reached the halfway point of the astrological calendar, a great time to look back at what we've accomplished—and to re-chart our course going forward.

Pull out your day planner, fire up iCal, download a productivity app. Ask yourself: Where might I do things more efficiently? Embrace the power of purity, sustainability, and simplicity—the Virgo way. Get organized, set up savvy systems, and make everything simpler with clever life hacks.

Define some reasonable goals you could accomplish. We're fans of the book Small Move, Big Change, which advises adopting "micro-resolutions"—little shifts that lead to a major snowball effect.

6. Step down from the soapbox.

Virgo season can bring out the preachy side of everyone. Suddenly, we know exactly what that friend or relative needs to do to make their life better. We have the perfect antidote to their troubles, or…do we? If you catch yourself grandstanding, stop and put the focus back on your own life. Nobody's perfect—even if Virgo energy makes us strive for those lofty ideals.

7. Geek out.

Verbal Virgo is ruled by chatty Mercury, the planet of communication and the mind. This is an excellent time to write about, speak about, and share your ideas. Engage in scintillating dialogue. Make a point of speaking up instead of keeping your opinion to yourself (well, within reason). And embrace your inner geek while you're at it! Whatever you like to nerd out about, let the world know, loud and proud.

The AstroTwins
The AstroTwins

Dubbed the “astrologers to the stars,” identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as the AstroTwins, are professional astrologers who reach millions worldwide through their spot-on predictions.

Through their website,, Ophira and Tali help “bring the stars down to earth” with their unique, lifestyle-based approach to astrology. They are also the official astrologers for, Elle Magazine, mindbodygreen, and The New Potato. The AstroTwins have been featured in the UK Sunday Times, the New York Times Sunday Styles section, People Magazine, Domino, InStyle, Architecture Daily, Business Insider and much more media globally. The AstroTwins have collaborated with major brands including Vogue, Nordstrom, Revlon, H&M, Urban Outfitters, Ted Baker, Kate Spade and Calypso St. Barth, 20th Century Fox, among others. The sisters have read charts for celebrities including Beyoncé, Emma Roberts, Stevie Wonder, Jessica Simpson, and Sting. They are regular guests on SiriusXM and have appeared on Bravo’s The Real Housewives of New Jersey.

They have authored four print books: AstroStyle, Love Zodiac, Shoestrology, and Momstrology (their #1 Amazon best-selling astrological parenting guide) and a growing collection of ebooks, including their popular annual horoscope guides (now available in print).

Read More About The AstroTwins

More from the author:

Astrology Fundamentals

Check out What Do The Stars Have In Store For You?

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More from the author:

Astrology Fundamentals

Check out What Do The Stars Have In Store For You?

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The AstroTwins
The AstroTwins

Dubbed the “astrologers to the stars,” identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as the AstroTwins, are professional astrologers who reach millions worldwide through their spot-on predictions.

Through their website,, Ophira and Tali help “bring the stars down to earth” with their unique, lifestyle-based approach to astrology. They are also the official astrologers for, Elle Magazine, mindbodygreen, and The New Potato. The AstroTwins have been featured in the UK Sunday Times, the New York Times Sunday Styles section, People Magazine, Domino, InStyle, Architecture Daily, Business Insider and much more media globally. The AstroTwins have collaborated with major brands including Vogue, Nordstrom, Revlon, H&M, Urban Outfitters, Ted Baker, Kate Spade and Calypso St. Barth, 20th Century Fox, among others. The sisters have read charts for celebrities including Beyoncé, Emma Roberts, Stevie Wonder, Jessica Simpson, and Sting. They are regular guests on SiriusXM and have appeared on Bravo’s The Real Housewives of New Jersey.

They have authored four print books: AstroStyle, Love Zodiac, Shoestrology, and Momstrology (their #1 Amazon best-selling astrological parenting guide) and a growing collection of ebooks, including their popular annual horoscope guides (now available in print).

Read More About The AstroTwins

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