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Weekly Horoscope: Buckle Up, Because Tuesday Is Going To Be A Doozy

The AstroTwins
Astrologers & Best-Selling Authors
Photo by Kayla Johnson

On Tuesday, Mars and Uranus will square off, and it could stir up some intense, combative energy.

Stir it up? Rebellious urges will be hard to suppress this Tuesday, September 18, when combative Mars and combustible Uranus crash into their third—and final (hallelujah!)—square of 2018. The feisty planets have been trading fire since May 16, making everyone quick to pop off and lose their cool. This four-month cycle of planetary backlash began one day after unconventional Uranus kicked off an uncomfortable eight-year tour through traditional Taurus—which was also the very first day that Mars began an extra-long, politically charged stint in Aquarius, the sign of social justice.

Squares—the astrological name for planets locking into a 90-degree angle with one another from our vantage point—can be disruptive, to say the least. In this alignment, the cosmic signatures just clash. As a result, we are forced to "creatively synthesize" to find a middle ground. But they can also be dynamic, moving stuck energy and forcing us to innovate instead of perseverate. This particular series of Mars-Uranus squares has been highlighting the growing divide between the revolutionaries and the old guard. Since May 16, shocking battle lines have been drawn on the world stage while equally jaw-dropping alliances have seemed to form. On a personal level, these combative planets have created waves of anxiety and anger, some that seem "inexplicable" or perhaps stemmed from the collective conscious instead of an individual experience. And since both Uranus and Aquarius are associated with social media and the internet, the Tweetstorms have been disturbingly...epic.

This isn't about hiding away from the world but creating and enjoying safe and nurturing spaces to combat the craziness.

On August 2, the planets hit the same feisty formation, only that time, Mars was retrograde. During the square of Tuesday, September 18, Mars is back in direct motion, and now shock jock Uranus is in reverse. So it's wise to avoid stressful encounters, intense crowds, and bad traffic in the early half of the week. Patience for stupid human tricks will be paper-thin—and people's behavior will be more unpredictable than usual. To channel all this intense energy, pump up the yin. Do something positive for the Earth (a Uranus-in-Taurus ideal) like planting a tree in someone's name or cleaning up a public park. Carry a crystal in your pocket or wear one as a pendant. Skip the bar and go to yoga after work, or make dinner at home while communing with close friends. This isn't about hiding away from the world but creating and enjoying safe and nurturing spaces to combat the craziness.

On Friday and Saturday, Mercury and the Sun move into Libra and bring on the balance.

Just in the nick of time, two heavenly bodies swoop in and help us give peace a chance. On Friday, mental Mercury heads into balanced Libra, followed by the Sun on Saturday. Like a healing balm for our hearts and minds, this shift can bring us from competition to cooperation. Dynamic duos thrive during Libra season, especially if we team up with a complement instead of a clone. And should we have overstepped a boundary during the Mars-Uranus squares, extend an olive branch this weekend. Until October 23, Libra's harmonious vibes help us smooth over any rough patches in our most important unions. It's rarely too late to at least TRY to make amends—and the gracious diplomacy of Libra season will make others more amenable to accepting apologies. But this isn't about sweeping conflicts under the rug. Libra's scales of justice could spur another round of peaceful protests...and a revolution of love!

The AstroTwins
The AstroTwins

Dubbed the “astrologers to the stars,” identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as the AstroTwins, are professional astrologers who reach millions worldwide through their spot-on predictions.

Through their website,, Ophira and Tali help “bring the stars down to earth” with their unique, lifestyle-based approach to astrology. They are also the official astrologers for, Elle Magazine, mindbodygreen, and The New Potato. The AstroTwins have been featured in the UK Sunday Times, the New York Times Sunday Styles section, People Magazine, Domino, InStyle, Architecture Daily, Business Insider and much more media globally. The AstroTwins have collaborated with major brands including Vogue, Nordstrom, Revlon, H&M, Urban Outfitters, Ted Baker, Kate Spade and Calypso St. Barth, 20th Century Fox, among others. The sisters have read charts for celebrities including Beyoncé, Emma Roberts, Stevie Wonder, Jessica Simpson, and Sting. They are regular guests on SiriusXM and have appeared on Bravo’s The Real Housewives of New Jersey.

They have authored four print books: AstroStyle, Love Zodiac, Shoestrology, and Momstrology (their #1 Amazon best-selling astrological parenting guide) and a growing collection of ebooks, including their popular annual horoscope guides (now available in print).

Read More About The AstroTwins

More from the author:

Astrology Fundamentals

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More from the author:

Astrology Fundamentals

Check out What Do The Stars Have In Store For You?

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The AstroTwins
The AstroTwins

Dubbed the “astrologers to the stars,” identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as the AstroTwins, are professional astrologers who reach millions worldwide through their spot-on predictions.

Through their website,, Ophira and Tali help “bring the stars down to earth” with their unique, lifestyle-based approach to astrology. They are also the official astrologers for, Elle Magazine, mindbodygreen, and The New Potato. The AstroTwins have been featured in the UK Sunday Times, the New York Times Sunday Styles section, People Magazine, Domino, InStyle, Architecture Daily, Business Insider and much more media globally. The AstroTwins have collaborated with major brands including Vogue, Nordstrom, Revlon, H&M, Urban Outfitters, Ted Baker, Kate Spade and Calypso St. Barth, 20th Century Fox, among others. The sisters have read charts for celebrities including Beyoncé, Emma Roberts, Stevie Wonder, Jessica Simpson, and Sting. They are regular guests on SiriusXM and have appeared on Bravo’s The Real Housewives of New Jersey.

They have authored four print books: AstroStyle, Love Zodiac, Shoestrology, and Momstrology (their #1 Amazon best-selling astrological parenting guide) and a growing collection of ebooks, including their popular annual horoscope guides (now available in print).

Read More About The AstroTwins

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