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Shauna Harrison's Taking Our 10-Day Fitness Challenge. Here's How It's Going

Maybe you go to the same bodyweight boot camp class once or twice a week because it challenges you—that's awesome, keep doing it! But what if your regular gym routine is starting to feel easy at best or boring at worst?

There's no better way to break out of a workout rut than trying something new and different. That's the philosophy of athlete Shauna Harrison, who does nearly every physical workout known to gym-goers from yoga to strength training. "For me, I'm constantly doing as many things as I can," says Shauna, "anything to switch it up. Any time you can do something different, it shocks your body and keeps you mentally and physically fresh."

Challenging your body with something new, movement-wise, not only helps beat boredom but works your muscles in new ways your body won't expect. So whether you're a workout newbie or spend an hour at the gym every day, try our 10-day challenge in partnership with Evolution Fresh, and see how it can help reset your fitness routine.

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