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Everything You Need To Know About Dating & Loving An Aries

Laura Brown
Laura Brown
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Dating an Aries can be a bit like playing with fire: It’s mesmerizing to look at, and the warmth makes you want to get oh-so-close. Yet if you’re not careful, tender skin burns under the intensity of this sign.

Aries are ruled by the element fire and the planet Mars, so they maintain a passionate, dominant, and sometimes even bossy nature. They are always ready for battle, whether it’s a friendly competition in sports or a promotion at work. This means that Aries are not likely to shy away from a challenge. In fact, they thrive in the face of one.

Attracting an Aries.

Aries is a sign prone to falling in and out of love rather quickly. Aries like to bust right into "I love you" territory, sometimes without truly getting to know the other person. This means Aries run the risk of falling for the potential they attach to someone, more so than the actual person.

Playing hard to get is the best way to capture their interest—just be prepared that they may want to keep playing the game. They will chase you to the ends of the Earth, but once you reciprocate, they may start second-guessing themselves. The key to capturing an Aries' entire heart is keeping things fun and interesting. They want to experience it all and need a partner who is willing to jump and go when inspiration strikes. Those who prefer calm evenings at home or a more sedate lifestyle need not apply.

The plus side of an Aries partner.

When an Aries really falls for you, the love is truly unmatched and unbridled. Like a fine wine, most Rams get better in relationships with age. Though they may have to travel through many relationships before they find the one who captures the totality of their heart, once they commit they will make it their life’s mission to make their partner happy.

Aries possess a dynamic energy that begs for attention. It’s hard to not fall for them.

The sign has a great warmth to it. Aries are incredibly giving and warmhearted and have a tendency to believe the best in others, even when all evidence leans to the contrary. They’re fiercely loyal and incredibly giving partners.

The shadow side of an Aries partner.

Like most things in life, Aries have a shadow side, and if it’s running the show, anger can arise. An Aries operating in shadow can be exceptionally controlling and attempt to micromanage the relationship. They are fiercely reactive, ruled by an "I want you, I want you not" game that can breed instability and insecurity in others.

When the shadow side is dominating, Aries can be much like the infant who cries in the middle of the night for his bottle, waking his very tired parents. There is not a conscious plan to be selfish but rather an inherent need that takes top priority. They want what they want, when they want it, and can sometimes have little regard for who or what may be in the way.

The sexual side of an Aries partner.

Sexually, an Aries is bold and daring. This is a sign that needs physical touch, but it is not known for modesty. They need a partner willing to at least match their bold and direct approach in the bedroom, if not surpass it. Their passion can be intense and almost intimidating, but it’s a fear I encourage all of Aries partners to face boldly, as Rams have a way of opening us to parts of the self that need to be released. One thing to bear in mind, however, is that just because Aries is bold in the bedroom does not mean they want someone who is going to kiss and tell.

Aries possess a dynamic energy that begs for attention. It’s hard to not fall for them. They are engaging, fun, eager for a good time. They have a genuine interest to know who you are and as such ask the questions that no one else dares ask you. They are one of the rare signs that can simultaneously pull you close and make you beg to be released. Within the Aries contradiction, their partners will get lost in their passion.

For more insight into what the zodiac says about relationships, check out this complete guide to astro love connections.

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