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We Know Tech Can Be Dangerous. A New Study Shows How Complicated It Can Get For Kids

Leigh Weingus
mbg Senior Relationships Editor

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If you've ever put restrictions on your kids' screen time, you're not alone. There's nothing worse than watching your kids tap away on an iPhone or iPad when they're supposed to be doing their homework. But according to new research, putting restrictions on smartphone use because it's taking away from time that should be spent on homework can actually have negative academic repercussions.

The study, which was conducted out of the University of Zurich, surveyed 1,100 first-year college students about their tech habits and how their parents had approached technology use when they were growing up. The researchers found that when parents had restricted technology use so their kids could spend their time working on schoolwork instead, they didn't do as well in college classes as the students who hadn't had restrictions put on their tech use.

Of course, this doesn't necessarily mean technology is good for kids. Quite the opposite, in fact: Previous research has found that when kids spend too much time on screens it impacts their emotional intelligence, making it harder for them to read human emotions. The solution, it seems, is to cite valuable reasons for spending less time with tech. This study found that if parents instead brought up the adverse health effects associated with technology use instead of the fact that they should be doing their homework, kids didn't face issues with academic achievement.

Long story short, tech probably isn't great for kids. But if you want to get that point across, make sure your reasoning is strong.

Want to have a better relationship with technology? Here's Sadie Lincoln's advice.

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